Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Chain

We kicked off our month of December (and our month of Christmas themed activities) with of course making a Christmas count down chain.  WE first made a chain back in October for Halloween - we spent about 45 minutes on it and the kids barely got half way done - and this time I wanted them to write numbers on their chain.  I knew I needed a new game plan.

We started in the morning.  In our morning large group time we wrote the word "Christmas" all together.  Then during centers our "art" table that day had their slips for them to cut.  They each had to cut 12 green and 11 red.

Then after centers but before snacks we regathered and we made a pattern with 10 of them and wrote the numbers 1 - 10.  I had originally planned on doing all the numbers - but 1 - 10 ended up being too frustrating for some of the students, so we focused on successfully doing 1 - 10.

I love their cute numbers!

Then later in the day we assembled our chain.  This time it took us 20 minutes and the kids were able to do the whole thing all by themselves.  We used a glue stick this time.  MUCH better than Elmer's glue or a stapler.  Plus they all knew had to make a chain this time and didn't get held up by the complexities of making a paper circle.

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