Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pull out time

On one of my preschool days Brock was home from school (for testing) - he decided he wanted to help in my preschool - so you get to see a rare picture of me!  Since I am the only adult you will  never get to see pictures of large group time or most of our large group activities because I am, obviously, too engaged and busy with the kids take a picture.  During center time I usually take the first 5 minutes and get a picture of each center, then I put it away and help in the center that need a little direction or interaction.   Then about half way into center time I start pulling out the kids one by one off to the side to work with me.  Each day I work on something a little different.  For the first few days we worked mostly on their name, recognizing it, spelling it, or writing it. 

I didn't know Brock was taking pictures, but when I uploaded them I got this great picture of me working with one of my kids on her name.  She had just spelled it with magnets on her own magnet tray.  She was so excited she was clapping. 

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