Monday, October 13, 2014

leaf rubbings

During large group one day we tried leaf rubbings.  This was a whole process.  First we gathered leaves.  Then we sorted leaves.  Then we learned about the veins.  (that was in the morning).  Then in the afternoon we first had to tear the paper off of our crayons.  I did most of them but I left one or two for each kid to di it - I wanted them to know the process and it is great fine motor practice and a lesson in frustration! 
It actually took a good 10 minutes for each child to peel 2 crayons.  Then we rubbed the leaves onto crayons (no pictures I had to facilitate this process a lot).  At first we didn't tape the leaves on the paper - but in the end it turned out that we needed to tape the leaf on back of the paper first so it wouldn't move. 

Then we cut the leaves out.

Then we taped them onto cut paper towel rolls.  They loved their trees and the process.

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