Monday, October 6, 2014

Bottles and tops

This center was created with two of my students in mind.  I have noticed that they like to put lids on everything.  So I spent a few weeks collecting different size bottles and lids.  It was like a wonderful puzzle.

Ester was determined to fit every lid on every bottle.  It took her almost 20 minutes - but she stuck with it... I was so proud of her!

But none of the other kids even tried.  I thought maybe I went too big too soon.
So the next day I only had a few bottles out and I got rid of the basket so they could easily see the lids.  It turns out my gut was right.  With just a few bottles and a few lids each kid stopped by and matched all the lids up.  Live and learn.

1 comment:

  1. I love this one! Thanks for sharing all your brilliant ideas. I hope you know that I plan on stealing them shamelessly.
