Thursday, January 22, 2015

Painting with ice

For art one day we explored painting with ice.  I saw this idea on a blog, usually I try something out with my own kids before I just "give it a whirl" in the preschool.  But this one I had forgotten to try.  I wondered if it would really "paint" on the paper - or just be a wet, slightly colored, mess.

Set-up:  I put water in ice cube trays, put in food coloring, put a sheet of aluminum foil over the top and then stuck in Popsicle sticks - the aluminum helped keep the sticks up.  Then stuck in the freezer.  The next day I ran the bottom of the trays under hot water for 3 seconds.  Then popped them out.  I stuck them on some lids with lips to help catch the melt off.  They needed to sit out for a few minutes to start the "melting process" before the color would transfer to the paper.

When they were ready they were beautiful - so bright and vibrant.  And such a fun and tactile way to paint.

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